An efficient, block-by-block algorithm for inverting a block tridiagonal, nearly block Toeplitz matrix

Matthew G Reuter, Judith C Hill
2012 Computational Science & Discovery  
A unified perspective of complex band structure: interpretations, formulations, and applications Matthew G Reuter -Toeplitz and Hankel matrices K I Babenko -Recent citations Revisiting quasiparticle scattering interference in high-temperature superconductors: The problem of narrow peaks Miguel Antonio Sulangi et al -A unified perspective of complex band structure: interpretations, formulations, and applications Matthew G Reuter -Characterizing the inverses of block tridiagonal, block Toeplitz
more » ... trices Nicholas M Boffi et al -This content was downloaded from IP address on 22/07 Abstract. We present an algorithm for computing any block of the inverse of a block tridiagonal, nearly block Toeplitz matrix (defined as a block tridiagonal matrix with a small number of deviations from the purely block Toeplitz structure). By exploiting both the block tridiagonal and the nearly block Toeplitz structures, this method scales independently of the total number of blocks in the matrix and linearly with the number of deviations. Numerical studies demonstrate this scaling and the advantages of our method over alternatives.
doi:10.1088/1749-4699/5/1/014009 fatcat:at5g2wosazg7fdizulflvw7ujq