Influence of Host Plants on the Development of Caryedon serratus Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), Insect Pest of Groundnut Stocks in Burkina Faso

Issoufou Ouedraogo, Sacamba Aimé Omer Hema, Wendgoundi Guenda, Dona Dakouo
2016 Advances in Entomology  
The beetle Caryedon serratus Olivier is a major insect pest responsible for the infestation and damage on groundnut during storage. To understand the infestation mechanism of groundnut stocks, studies have been carried out on this insect biology under laboratory conditions in relation with its host plants. The results have demonstrated that the pre-oviposition on groundnut lasts on average 1.28 days. The oviposition period is 12.04 days, during which 80.42 eggs on average are laid. From
more » ... to adult stage, C. serratus larvae development goes through four stages with variable durations according to the stage. Three families of host plants (Papilionaceae; Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae) were selected for females C. serratus to lay on their seeds. The results showed that more eggs were laid on the seeds of Papilionaceae (98.75% of infested seeds) followed by Caesalpiniaceae (28.59% of infested seeds). Studies were carried out on the laying behavior of C. serratus under laboratory conditions and have revealed that whatever the conditions, C. serratus females lay on all the plant species seeds exposed. Insects' development duration has varied according to the plant species seeds used.
doi:10.4236/ae.2016.45029 fatcat:rgock3dgw5av3dozv6qqqdz6ye