One-loop Yukawa couplings in local models

Joseph P. Conlon, Mark Goodsell, Eran Palti
2010 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We calculate the one-loop Yukawa couplings and threshold corrections for supersymmetric local models of branes at singularities in type IIB string theory. We compute the corrections coming both from wavefunction and vertex renormalisation. The former comes in the IR from conventional field theory running and in the UV from threshold corrections that cause it to run from the winding scale associated to the full Calabi-Yau volume. The vertex correction is naively absent as it appears to
more » ... to superpotential renormalisation. However, we find that while the Wilsonian superpotential is not renormalised there is a physical vertex correction in the 1PI action associated to light particle loops.
doi:10.1007/jhep11(2010)087 fatcat:lfd3latzs5aj3gxgfcn4agwboe