Robust clustering of eye movement recordings for quantification of visual interest

Anthony Santella, Doug DeCarlo
2004 Proceedings of the Eye tracking research & applications symposium on Eye tracking research & applications - ETRA'2004  
Characterizing the location and extent of a viewer's interest, in terms of eye movement recordings, informs a range of investigations in image and scene viewing. We present an automatic data-driven method for accomplishing this, which clusters visual point-of-regard (POR) measurements into gazes and regions-ofinterest using the mean shift procedure. Clusters produced using this method form a structured representation of viewer interest, and at the same time are replicable and not heavily
more » ... ced by noise or outliers. Thus, they are useful in answering fine-grained questions about where and how a viewer examined an image.
doi:10.1145/968363.968368 dblp:conf/etra/SantellaD04 fatcat:le7ni7zumzbyhbvibxswmeo2aq