A Glowworm Optimization Method for the Design of Web Services

Koffka Khan, Ashok Sahai
2012 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications  
A method for adaptive usability evaluation of B2C eCo mmerce web services is proposed. For measuring eCo mmerce usability a checklist integrating eCo mmerce quality and usability is developed. By a Glo wworm swarm optimizat ion (GSO) neural networks-based model the usability dimensions and their checklist items are adaptively selected. A case study for usability evaluation of an eCo mmerce anthurium retail website is carried out. The experimental results show that GSO with neural networks
more » ... ts the allocation of usability problems and the defining of relevant improvement measures. The main advantage of the approach is the adaptive selection of most significant checklist dimensions and items and thus significant reduction of the time for usability evaluation and design. WebQualTM [25], E-Qual [21], AST [7], SITEQUAL [48], e-SQ [50], eTailQ [44], and eTransQual [2] . Emp irical research data has shown that e-SQ affects customers" satisfaction, intent to purchase and purchase and is the key driver of repeat purchases fro m Web sites. Key success factors for any online business, such as, repeat purchases, customer loyalty and eventually profitability will not be achieved unless their customers" service quality needs are satisfied.
doi:10.5815/ijisa.2012.10.10 fatcat:rxlu4hyiqnfy7ptwbp4jjemy7a