Calanoides acutus in Gerlache Strait, Antarctica. I. Distribution of late copepodite stages and reproduction during spring

MDG Lopez, ME Huntley, JT Lovette
1993 Marine Ecology Progress Series  
Calanoldes acutus (Giesbrecht) in 0 to 290 m stratified samples collected repetitively at 23 stations in Gerlache Strait, Antarctica, in November 1989 consisted of stage 111 to V1 copepodites (C111 to CVI) All stages except CV decreased in abundance through the 3.5 wk sampling period. Vertical distnbutions of all copepodite stages remained consistent, with no evidence of die1 vertical migrahon. Centers of mass were as follows: female CVl, 44 m; CV, 66 m; CIV, 127 m; male CVI, 189 m. Progressive
more » ... ovarian maturation in adult females was not correlated with ambient chlorophyll a concentrations. Mean daily egg production at 16 stations over a 3 d period in late November was a hyperbolic function of 0 to 150 n~ integrated chlorophyll a concentrations.
doi:10.3354/meps100153 fatcat:oi4nhh4t2zadnfzskqr7b2geoe