Female Offenders in Child Sexual Abuse [chapter]

David A. McLeod, Zackery D.O. Dunnells, Burcu Ozturk
2021 Sexual Abuse - an Interdisciplinary Approach [Working Title]  
In the United States criminal justice system, female sexual offenders are among the most unrepresented groups of individuals, and they have evaded detection and/or prosecution for many reasons. This chapter explores the characteristics and patterns of female sexual offenders based on the collection of available literature. We will discuss how personal trauma histories, mental health, substance abuse, and motivations of female sexual offenders differ from their male counterparts. Additionally,
more » ... cover how social perception presents female sexual offenders in a light that adversely impacts their interactions with the social systems and explore empirically validated myths, risks, and interventions for this population.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.98499 fatcat:642pgzhzircytgzevmnueh5ahm