PRM volume 111 issue 1-2 Cover and Back matter

1989 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A Mathematics  
Authors should ensure that punctuation carries through the mathematics in the proper manner. The use of hyphens should be consistent. In the text avoid such abbreviations as: iff, w.r.t.. a.e., V, 3, and thm. Footnotes should be avoided. Headings should not be underlined. Every effort should be made to avoid complicated subscripts, superscripts, ranges of summation and integration. Horizontal fraction signs should normally be avoided: use either solidus signs / or negative exponents. Replace e'
more » ... ' by exp [...] if the expression in parenthesis is complicated. Simple formulae should not be displayed unless they require a formula number. Use the prime ' or d/dx, but preferably not a dot, to denote ordinary differentiation. If possible use subscripts to denote partial differentiation of d/dx etc. Bars reaching over several letters should be avoided: use V() or the exponent 1/2 for the square root. Sub-subscripts and super-superscripts should be avoided if possible: bars and other devices over indices cannot be supplied. Note that confusion very often arises between 1 (one) and / (ell): 0 (zero) and O (Capital oh): ° (composition) and o (lower case oh): x and x : U and U: c and a \ e (belongs to) and e (epsilon): 0 (empty set) and 4> (phi): , and comma ,: prime ' and ': K and K: p and p: w and u>: X (summation) and 2 (capital sigma): \[ (product) and n (capital pi): v (lower case vee) and v (Greek nu): a (lower case a) and a (Greek alpha): y (lower case y) and 7 (Greek gamma). Please provide pencilled indicators in the margin where necessary. Where capitals and lower case of the same shape have to be printed, please indicate accordingly. Show italics by single underlining (except in the formulae which are set up normally in italics), bold face/Clarendon by wavy underlining and Greek by red underlining.
doi:10.1017/s0308210500024951 fatcat:qemja254und57e7fmhxvf7vgny