Analysis of the Critical Success Factors of SOA Implementation in China Tobacco Company Based on DEMATEL Approach

Yong Cen
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Automation, Mechanical Control and Computational Engineering   unpublished
Despite the widespread use of SOA design principles, it remains not only technically difficult to implement, but also presents a substantial challenge to systems architects and managers. This study provides a methodology to evaluate SOA implementation critical success factors (CSFs) that can aid managers make proper SOA investment strategies. Through a comprehensive systematic review of the SOA literature and 15 SOA-specific CSFs for the successful implementation of SOA are identified. This
more » ... r use DEMATEL approach to visualize the structure of complicated causal relationships between these CSFs and obtain the influence level of these factors. The five most important factors found in the study, from amongst the identified CSFs; include deepening of enterprise-wide perception of SOA, long-term planning and step-by-step evolution planning with consideration of current capacity, Enterprise-wide management support, project team and standardization of business process. We also found a number of direct and indirect relationships amongst the CSF factors.
doi:10.2991/amcce-15.2015.115 fatcat:mih77kwjm5getncld32l54utni