Characterization of Heart Disease Using Radionuclidemyocardial Perfusion Imaging

Mohamed Yousef, Batterjee Medical College P.O. Box 6231, Jeddah,21442- KSA
2019 Asian Journal of Medical Radiological Research  
The clinical utility of radiotracer study of heart in nuclear cardiology must be considered in the context of other cardiac diagnostic procedures. Accordingly. this study aimed is to determine the pattern of heart diseases detected by technetium Sestamibi (Tc 99m ). Subjects and Methods: This study included Fifty patients 34 male (68%), 16 female (32%), age mean ± SD (57± 10 years) and ranged from 39-82 years, were referred for MPI were presenting as known or suspected ischemic heart disease ,
more » ... t was done in Elnilen diagnostic center nuclear medicine department. Each patient underwent Tc 99m -sestamibi studies, which were performed according to one day protocol. Results: Fifty patients were enrolled in the study, The results of this study revealed that EF , and weight as 54.16, 69.92 respectively, Distribution of Uptake and Viability of the patients, Poor Uptake (24%), Normal (40%), No (8%), Reduce (28%) and No (54%), Small(6%), Normal(40%), SPECT images revealed ischemia of the apical, anteroapical, apicoseptal, and septal walls. Gated SPECT illustrated significant deterioration in the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), in seven cases wall motion, and systolic wall thickening obtained with rest gated SPECT. Conclusion: The MPI has an excellent value to detect coronary stenosis, The diagnosis of coronary artery disease remains common application of MPI, but it is increasingly being used for the diagnosis of acute MI, risk stratification after infarction, and assessment of viable myocardium in patients with chronic coronary artery disease.
doi:10.21276/ajmrr.2019.7.2.21 fatcat:gowcuwqrqrczthe6udb5oidatu