Limited Introgression Supports Division of Giraffe into Four Species [article]

Sven Winter, Julian Fennessy, Axel Janke
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
All giraffe (Giraffa) were previously assigned to a single species (G. camelopardalis) and nine subspecies. However, multi-locus analyses of all subspecies have shown that there are four genetically distinct clades and suggest four giraffe species. This conclusion might not be fully accepted due to limited data and lack of explicit gene flow analyses. Here we present an extended study based on 21 independent nuclear loci from 137 individuals. Explicit gene flow analyses identify less than one
more » ... grant per generation, including between the closely related northern and reticulated giraffe. Thus, gene flow analyses and population genetics of the extended dataset confirm four genetically distinct giraffe clades and support four independent giraffe species. The new findings call for a revision of the IUCN classification of giraffe taxonomy. Three of the four species are threatened with extinction, mostly occurring in politically unstable regions, and as such, require the highest conservation support possible.
doi:10.1101/303057 fatcat:l5y4onyka5fu7gx5w4rehnab6u