Sat0174 does abatacept increase perioperative adverse events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared with conventional synthetic disease modifying drugs? - a retrospective multicenter nested case-control study

H. Ito, S. Tsuji, M. Nakayama, Y. Mochida, K. Nishida, H. Ishikawa, T. Kojima, T. Matsumoto, A. Kubota, T. Mochizuki, K. Sakuraba, I. Matsushita (+9 others)
2018 Saturday, 16 JUNE 2018   unpublished
cross-over group, sustained inhibition of mTSS and erosion score (ES) progression was observed during long-term treatment phase (table 1) . No effect on joint space narrowing (JSN) was observed (table 1). Overall proportions of patients with no progression (ie, mTSS change £0.5) at 36 months were 56.8% in P/Q6M, 53.3% in P/Q3M, 66.3% in Q6M group, and 65.7% in Q3M group. Incidence of adverse events (AEs), serious AEs and AEs leading to discontinuation of study drug were similar across treatment
more » ... groups. No events of atypical femoral fracture were observed. Conclusions: Denosumab treatment was associated with sustained inhibition of progression of joint destruction for up to 36 months and was generally well tolerated in Japanese patients with RA on csDMARDs. Denosumab has the potential to be a new therapeutic option to inhibit the progression of structural damage for patients with RA. REFERENCE: [1] Takeuchi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2017;76(suppl 2): Abstract SAT0186.
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.2469 fatcat:4akl2haajbdufam23veqvedonm