Effect of B4C Absorber Material on Melt Progression and Chemical Forms of Iodine or Cesium under Severe Accident Conditions

Akihide HIDAKA
2015 Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan  
Boron carbide (B 4 C) used for BWR or EPR absorbers could cause phenomena that never occur in PWR with silver-indium-cadmium absorbers during a severe accident. B 4 C would undergo a eutectic interaction with stainless steel and enhance core melt relocation. Boron oxidation could increase H 2 generation, and the change of liberated carbon to CH 4 could enhance the generation of organic iodide (CH 3 I) . HBO 2 generated during B 4 C oxidation could be changed to cesium borate (CsBO 2 ) by
more » ... ng it with cesium. This may increase cesium deposition into the reactor coolant system. There could be differences in the configuration, surface area, and stainless-steel to B 4 C weight ratio between the B 4 C powder absorber and pellet absorber. The present task is to clarify the effect of these differences on melt progression, B 4 C oxidation, and the iodine or cesium source term. Advancement of this research field could contribute to further sophistication of prediction tools for melt progression and source terms of the Fukushima accident, and the treatment of organic iodide formation in safety evaluation.
doi:10.3327/taesj.j14.021 fatcat:473kknwopbbmjat2pc63mufrk4