Urban Geophysics: A Mapping of Mount Bonnell Fault and Its Karstic Features in Austin, Tx

Mustafa Saribudak
2010 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2010   unpublished
A lthough most karstic regions are characterized by caves, collapsed features, and sinkholes, such features often do not have surface expressions, and their presen ce m ay go un re corde d. Central Texas and the Greater Austin metropolitan area have been built on t h e k a r s t i c l i m e s t o n e L ow e r Cretaceous Glen Rose Formation and Edwards Aquifer within the Balcones Fault Zone (BFZ). Nearsurface karst features in the Austin area have a profound effect on geotechnical engineering
more » ... dies of structural foundations, residential buildings, shopping malls, utility excavations, tunnels, pavements and cut slopes. Thus the practice of geotechnical engineering is challenging in the Austin area.
doi:10.4133/1.3445473 fatcat:wkat3z4rw5dnrgwrn4ywlfv2fq