
1970 Neuroendocrinology  
Following discussion and assessment of the response by interested scientists throughout the United States, a new society has been formed to promote better understanding of the functioning of nervous systems including the part they play in determining behavior. A steering group was organized by the Committee on Brain Sciences fo the National Research Council, culminating in the formation of the Society for Neuroscience. The new group will foster interdisciplinary communication and investigation
more » ... mong scientists from the many fields involved and at all levels of biologic organization. It will also seek to attract potential investigators, to advance their education, and to inform the general public of current research in this area and its implications. Specific activities envisioned for the society, in addition to national meetings, include sponsorship of local chapters to arrange meetings of scientists of differing backgrounds interested in nervous systems, and establishment of a central source of information on interdisciplinary curricula and training programs in neuroscience. The society will also produce nontechnical reports on new information in this broad area, underlining its relevance to the human condition.
doi:10.1159/000121915 fatcat:lliyntsit5etbgkvncnrljdybi