Application of advanced material analyses for the investigation of the role of nano-mechanical properties in cell - scaffold interactions [thesis]

Milovan Joe. Cardona
First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Richard A. Black, who was responsible for the successful progress and completion of my work. His suggestions, knowledge and expertise in the subject were greatly appreciated. I would also like to express my deep gratitude for his patience and continuous guidance throughout the entire process. I am grateful for the University of Strathclyde Scholarship which allowed me to pursue the research and the Advanced Materials Research
more » ... for making equipment available. I would also like to thank Biomer Technology Ltd. and especially Simon Dixon for his support and for making polymers available. My sincere thanks go to Katie Henderson and Brian Cartlidge for their expertise and technical assistance. Their availability and assistance was instrumental at the several stages of this project. I would like to thank all my friends and colleagues with special thanks to Anna Galluzzo, Davide Erbogasto and Thomas Harrison for their company, support and suggestions which were essential for the completion of this thesis. Finally, I am as ever thankful to my family. I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my parents for their unyielding love and continuous support. I would also like to give special thanks to my sister for her patience, continuous support and advice throughout my thesis. I am sure that this work would not have been possible without all their help.
doi:10.48730/ez7j-1773 fatcat:gvqnw752jbbttgroad6x5rwszi