Jue Wang, Ding Zhou, Weiqing Liu
2015 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015)   unpublished
A semi-analytical procedure is presented to obtain the coupling lateral-rocking impedances between adjacent strip footings rested on an elastic half space. The interfaces between the footings and the supporting medium are divided into a number of strip elements. Asymmetrical Green functions of the elastic soil medium under lateral and vertical harmonic uniform excitation with infinite length are derived to establish the dynamic-flexibility matric for those strip elements. The intensities of
more » ... forces are adjusted so the displacement of the elements are compatible with the rigid body translations or rotations of the footings. The coupled lateral-rocking impedances are solved by adding the bending moments and the contact forces on each element. The accuracy is verified by the comparison study with the rigorous results from the mix-boundary-value method. The influence of the distance ratio S/L on the dynamic cross interaction (DCI) effect between adjacent footings is discussed in detail. It is shown that the lateral-rocking interaction between adjacent strip footings should be taken into consideration when S/L less than 5.0. 4268
doi:10.7712/120115.3694.742 fatcat:bfeq7kgdwfgofolfftb46srtry