Compressive strength parallel to grain of earlywood and latewood of yellow pine

Piotr Mańkowski, Agnieszka Laskowska
2021 MADERAS : Ciencia y Tecnología  
The compressive strength parallel to grain of earlywood and latewood from the yellow pine sapwood and heartwood areas was examined in the study. The structure of the basic anatomical elements of wood tracheids, which conduct water and/or perform the mechanical function -was also characterized. The compressive strength parallel to grain of latewood in the sapwood area was found to be twice as high as the compressive strength parallel to grain of earlywood. The compressive strength parallel to
more » ... in of latewood in the heartwood area, on the other hand, was found to be 2,5 times higher than the compressive strength parallel to grain of earlywood. This was due to the density of particular areas of wood and the dimensions of structural elements -tracheids. In the sapwood area, the density of latewood was ca. twice as high as the density of earlywood. Similar relationships were found for heartwood. The thickness of latewood tracheids was found to be 1,5 times greater than the thickness of earlywood tracheids. These relationships were observed in sapwood and heartwood. The diameter of earlywood tracheids in radial direction was twice as large as the diameter of latewood tracheids. These relationships were observed in yellow pine sapwood and heartwood.
doi:10.4067/s0718-221x2021000100457 fatcat:plq6jz26xbdghgeosia4gq77yu