Mapping Salt‐Loads of the Murray River, Australia, Using Airborne and In‐River Electromagnetic Methods

A. Fitzpatrick, T. J. Munday, V. Berens, M. A. Hatch, A. L. Telfer
2007 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2007   unpublished
Salinity in the River Murray and in adjacent floodplains of south-central Australia, has important environmental, economic and social consequences. Methods to monitor the temporal state of river and particularly river-groundwater interactions, have been in place for many years now. However, few have the capacity to define variability at a resolution appropriate for developing effective salinity management strategies, such as salt interception schemes. The use of geophysical methods for rapid
more » ... h resolution mapping of river sediments has been successfully trialed in Australia, particularly using the "in stream" NanoTEM, a time domain ground EM system, deployed in a boat with the transmitter and receiver towed behind on a rigid floating boom. More recently, tests have been conducted using two different helicopter EM systems; a frequency domain EM system (FDHEM) and a time-domain EM system (TDHEM). Comparisons between conductivity-depth sections derived from the "in stream" NanoTEM and the airborne datasets suggest that the different approaches are comparable. This paper examines the potential of using the FDHEM RESOLVE system as basis for mapping reaches of the river that contribute to elevated salt loads in the Murray River to the south east of Mildura in Victoria. The advantages of the airborne systems become more apparent when data coverage and acquisition costs are considered, particularly in a situation where a parallel swath approached is employed. This entails the acquisition of adjacent lines of EM data along the centre and along the margins of the river. We suggest this approach provides for a better understanding of recharge and discharge processes and links between the floodplain and the main-river channel. Compared with data acquired along the river alone, this study demonstrated our ability to use Helicopter EM data to map losing and gaining (from a salt load perspective) stretches of the river and to provide insight into which parts of the groundwater-floodplain system were significant contributors to river salt loads. The rapid acquisition of airborne EM data makes these systems more suited to providing temporal snapshots of a river-floodplain environment during dramatic climatic events, such as flooding. In the Murray basin this may assist our understanding of how salt stores are mobilised during such occasions. Murray River
doi:10.4133/1.2924694 fatcat:zev6mbevqvforivycggn4mlouq