How Do We Move the Needle?:

Tricia C. Elliott
2021 Family Medicine  
D iversity, equity, and inclusion are core values in medical education; however, the concepts as currently incorporated into educational models and requirements are limited, just scratching the surface of the actual need and aim. Fostering diversity recognizes and values individual and group differences such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability status, religion, location, language, country of origin,
more » ... ial status, and other personal experiences. Inclusion builds upon diversity by ensuring a culture of belonging, respect, value, and engagement for all. The lens of diversity requires inward reflection on who we are as a care team of residents, faculty, and clinical staff, as well as outward analysis and perspective on who, how, and what care we provide. From this viewpoint, we consider our alignment in our communities and embrace our differences in the role of achieving health equity-the highest level of health for all people. Inclusive excellence provides an active, substantive context in which diversity, equity, and inclusion integrates into institutional and programmatic mission, culture, operations, education, engagement, and quality improvement activities. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Family Medicine Requirements state sponsoring institutions (SIs) and programs must implement policies, procedures, and practices focused on systematic recruitment and retention of a diverse and inclusive workforce of residents, fellows, faculty, and staff; ensure residents demonstrate
doi:10.22454/fammed.2021.199007 pmid:34289501 fatcat:tn3v74tvfnc35g5ujxb7iboo5q