DNA extraction protocol for low-biomass environmental samples: adapted from the Lucigen MasterPure Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit manual [post]

Jiaxian Shen, Erica M. Hartmann
2022 unpublished
Microbial samples collected from built environment surfaces can be very low-biomass. This poses a critical challenge to extract valid signals out of the background noises for downstream analyses. Upon comparing and optimizing several extraction methods, our results demonstrated that bead-beating and heat lysis followed by liquid-liquid extraction was the optimal method, as opposed to widely used column- and magnetic bead-based methods. Adapted from the Lucigen MasterPure Complete DNA and RNA
more » ... ification Kit manual, this protocol demonstrates detailed points that merit special attention for low-biomass environmental samples.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.pex-1658/v1 fatcat:mgzpupqikvf5hhp6h3gb3lcfou