The Influence of an Extreme Warm Spell on Public Support for Government Involvement in Climate Change Adaptation

Gi-Eu Lee, Scott Loveridge, Julie A. Winkler
2017 Annals of the American Association of Geographers  
ii Another longer battery of questions focused on the Michigan economy, e.g., the connection of Michigan businesses to the global economy, the education needs, the importance of intergovernmental cooperation for economic development, etc. A third set of questions focused on internet access, use, costs, and acceptable pricing for faster download speeds. The fourth set of questions focused on charitable giving, confidence in charitable organizations, and volunteer activities. This block of
more » ... ns has been included more-or-less annually for the past several years. A word of caution is in order on the use of the data. Because of the inclusion of question-order and question-wording experiments, the codebook for the survey, containing the raw or weighted frequency distribution of responses, may be difficult to interpret and must be used carefully. Often, alternative variants of questions will be combined into composite measures in the final data that are distributed, but the original questions also remain in the codebook and data set. Although OSR will do its best to document such situations, it is the responsibility of the data users and analysts, not of the OSR, to assure that the appropriate variants of questions are used in analyses and reports. A copy of the CATI interview program with the skip patterns indicated by "[goto ...]" commands and "[if ...]" commands accompanies the codebook to help clarify the paths particular respondents would take through the interview.
doi:10.1080/24694452.2017.1375888 fatcat:rs3vqqex2bewrnhajbl5j3sdmq