The Cambridge/Bradford Boeotian Expedition: The First Four Years

J. L. Bintliff, A. M. Sondgrass
1985 Journal of Field Archaeology  
This is a preliminary report (the first substantial publication to appear) on the first four seasons' work of an archaeological survey project in Boeotia, central Greece, reinforced by the results of a further study season. After a brief general consideration of survey strategies, the article concentrates on the specific conditions of the sample area chosen in western Boeotia. A full account is given of the field procedures adopted in the opening season (1979), with the changes introduced in
more » ... sequent years. The findings, based on the 21.5 sq km covered so far in this high-intensity survey, are then reported period by period, and a summary account of the nonarchaeological studies undertaken in collaboration with the expedition is appended. The article is supported by full tabulation of sites and periods.
doi:10.2307/530288 fatcat:qsi2aj5bgvdovlhaa2lw3ywjfm