A Curriculum Model Based on the SIGITE Guidelines

Reza Kamali, Samuel Liles, Charles R. Winer, Keyuan Jiang, Barbara Nicolai
2006 Journal of Information Technology Education  
Executive Summary This paper describes the process used by the Computer Information Technology Department at PUC (Purdue University Calumet) during a major curriculum review and revision to implement the curriculum model developed by the SIGITE Curriculum Committee (Curriculum, 2005). The process was based on the learning outcomes set forth by the SIGITE curriculum model and the result is a structure that could be used to build IT majors around the recommended IT core courses with the
more » ... majors, which could be highly customizable and flexible. The curriculum allows for a primary track and a complementary secondary track built during the third and the fourth years of the student's study. This is a flexible and easy to maintain curriculum, which allows changes without major curriculum overhaul.
doi:10.28945/253 fatcat:ffozdeivnbat5maow5e4ahti44