Discriminatory Property Inheritance Rights Under The Yoruba And Igbo Customary Law In Nigeria: The Need For Reforms *

Dr Babatunde Adetunji Oni
2014 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
Intestate succession under customary law among the Yoruba and Igbo people in Nigeria is full of discrimination, especially to female, adopted child, illegitimate child among others. This paper highlights some of these forms of discrimination and the dangers inherent in them. The paper discovers that some of these forms of discrimination are against Fundamental Human Rights which frown against discrimination to any persons irrespective of their gender, circumstances of birth or age. The paper
more » ... gests necessary reforms to curb some of these identified discrimination.
doi:10.9790/0837-19243043 fatcat:4qpkijxhovc37ndgcjfep4vjnm