Dinitrogen oxide (nitrous oxide) [Air Monitoring Methods, 2007b] [entry]

M. Tschickardt
2012 The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety   unpublished
For the determination of the dinitrogen oxide in work areas aliquots are sampled actively or passively on adsorption tubes. The analytical determination is carried out after thermal desorption with intermediate accumulation in a packed cold trap and is performed by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector (ECD). Quantitative evaluation is carried out against an external standard. Characteristics of the method Precision: Active sampling or passive sampling Standard deviation (rel.):
more » ... s rel = 0.8-3.0 % or 0.5-4.7 % Mean variation: u = 7.5-15 % or 10-13 % for a range of concentration from 12.8-109 mL/m 3 and n = 6 determinations
doi:10.1002/3527600418.am1002497e0010b fatcat:hxpcjpdryregbdtmdqwk57uc6a