Coding Data As A Self Organising System

Alexander Hayes
2017 Figshare  
This paper describes the database of literature collected and then collated for the thesis, The Socio-ethical Implications of Body-Worn Video Recorders: An Ethnographic Study. The purpose of this short data paper is to provide the reader with an understanding of the process by which the collection followed by collation of literature sources, codification of those resources, emergent topics, range of domains and numerical counts across this database succesfully lead to thematic content analysis
more » ... hich underpins this inductive research study. This paper complements findings published as Hayes, Alexander (2017): Alexander Hayes PhD Thesis Literature Review Search Results available at
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5625187.v1 fatcat:oddx6yrhvbfjbbp3pwokhzqkxy