Resummation of Goldstone boson contributions to the MSSM effective potential

Nilanjana Kumar, Stephen P. Martin
2016 Physical Review D  
We discuss the resummation of the Goldstone boson contributions to the effective potential of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). This eliminates the formal problems of spurious imaginary parts and logarithmic singularities in the minimization conditions when the tree-level Goldstone boson squared masses are negative or approach zero. The numerical impact of the resummation is shown to be almost always very small. We also show how to write the two-loop minimization conditions so
more » ... at Goldstone boson squared masses do not appear at all, and so that they can be solved without iteration.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.94.014013 fatcat:zve6g4mni5cidlm37rrusncmty