The Ghezzi copper prospect on the Maclaren River, Mt. Hayes quadrangle [report]

R. H. Saunders
1957 unpublished
q lj,i,.., % * ( 5 Mr. A. B. Ghezzi, Br. has been prospecting i n t e r m i t t e n t l y along t h e liorth side of the r o u t e of t h e Dengtli IIighway f o r se%eraJ yeam. One of the prospects that he has staked i a i n t h e .valley o f t h e Waclmen River near the KlEI prospect. I n Atrgnet, 195'7, a TI84 exEbmination was made sf gone outcrops a t t h e LA4 prospect, and, at t h a t time, Mr. G h e z d wasat wolekonhl~lprospec.t;, b t h i s i n v i t a t i o n , an
doi:10.14509/1995 fatcat:m4gjbx54q5hntgzvy3uz6oayfu