Crystal Structures and Magnetic Properties of the System Rh1Mn1−xSbx

Hakaru Masumoto, Kiyoshi Watanabe
1976 Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals  
Crystal structures and magnetic properties of Rh-Mn-Sb alloys have been investigated by means of Xray diffraction and magnetic measurements. It has been found that alloys in the composition range of Rh1 .00Mn0.66Sb0.34-Rh1.00Mn0.55Sb0.45 are a solid solution of the face-centered tetragonal L10-type with lattice parameters of 4.200-4.182 A and axial ratios of 0.806-0.829. The typical Rh1 .00Mn0.55Sb0.45 alloy reciprocal susceptibility and temperature indicates weak ferrimagnetic behavior of this alloy.
doi:10.2320/matertrans1960.17.303 fatcat:d3z7zixlyfcmxhkbtfxunejc4a