Mashing Up Search Services

Daniele Braga, Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Davide Martinenghi
2008 IEEE Internet Computing  
Mashup languages offer new graphic interfaces for service composition. Normally, composition is limited to simple services, such as RSS or Atom feeds, but users can potentially use visual mashup languages for complex service compositions, with typed parameters and well-defined I/O interfaces. Composing search services introduces new issues, however, such as determining the optimal sequence of search invocations and separately composing ranked entries into a globally ranked result. Enabling end
more » ... sers to mash up services through suitable abstractions and tools is a viable option for improving servicebased computations.
doi:10.1109/mic.2008.105 fatcat:zg6jnt5bjbdi5ffqdrdb6xqrtq