Ideal Systems, Ideal Technology and their Realization Opportunities Using Information Communication & Computation Technology (ICCT) and Nanotechnology (NT)

P. Sreeramana Aithal
2021 Zenodo  
Technology management is an area of predicting, identifying, managing, and utilising existing and new technologies for the benefit of people, organizations, and society. Technology management supports the use of technology for solving problems in society through innovations and to create a competitive advantage for the stakeholders. Systems and Technology are two interconnected issues in scientific society. The developments and progress in society depend on the improvements in the performance
more » ... every system and innovations in technology. It is believed that the performance of a system and the capability of a technology can be continuously improved by means of comparing their properties with the properties of ideal system or ideal technology, respectively. Research in any system or technology is basically generating new knowledge based on intensive study of existing systems or technology and any concepts/issues/problems related to them. Research is also defined as new interpretation of existing knowledge about any issues/ concepts/solutions of the problems of any system or technology by means of analysing them using suitable framework. This Book is based on conceptual discussion on how two general purpose technologies can be used in the possibility of improving many practical systems to improve their performance towards their corresponding ideal systems. An ideal system is a hypothetical system with ideal characteristics. Both Information Communication and Computation Technology (ICCT) and Nanotechnology (NT), as general purpose technologies, are continuously expanding their roots to many industries and becoming so-called Universal Technologies. Universal technology is a technology more than general purpose technology where apart from (1) Pervasiveness, (2) Improvement, and (3) Innovation spawning characteristics, additional characteristics like (4) Universal applicability, and (5) Ideal solutions to problems. The advent of both technologies ICCT and Nanotechnology are presently expanding together in many areas i [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4709634 fatcat:bvx7d7aax5aatnlayvnhuaozke