Destructive changes of many joints associated with pusturosis palomaris et plantaris. A case report

Yoriaki Masuda, Takehiko Torisu, Rokuro Uchida, Akinori Ugawa
1990 Orthopedics & Traumatology  
we treated a patient with pusturotic arthro-osteitis who had the typical skin rash of Pustulosis Palmaris et plantaris and persistent pulling pain in the antior chest. Xrays showed hyperostosis of sternum and both first ribs, and Technetium-99m scintigraphy showed increased uptake in the same region and both sacroiliac joints. Destructive changes of the knee and wrist joints gradually have advanced for 10 years. RA factor was positive and HLA-B27 typing was negative, and especially flexion
more » ... ucture of his knee joints remained at shout 45°. The following findings ,were deficient
doi:10.5035/nishiseisai.39.67 fatcat:6sp4nmgxhnb45ghsj6vj7fb36u