Modeling of the sensitivity of fan-beam collimation in SPECT imaging

M. Koole, Y. D'Asseler, S. Vandenberghe, R. Van de Walle, K. Van Laere, J. Versijpt, I. Lemahieu, R.A. Dierckx
2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  
An essential feature of SPECT imaging is collimation of gamma photons, allowing detection of only those photons propagating in the appropriate direction. Parallel beam collimators are widely used in different applications, because reconstruction is straightforward. Fan-beam collimators focus on a focal line parallel to the axis of rotation. For organs centered within the field of view this enhances the sensitivity. We propose a new, more sophisticated model for calculating the sensitivity of
more » ... -beam collimation throughout the whole field of view of an Anger gamma camera and compare it with a previously published model. Projection measurements of a uniform flood source near the face of a fan-beam collimator demonstrate that this new model is more accurate.
doi:10.1109/iembs.2001.1017255 fatcat:vty6ghi2jva47f4dpizfyl2uu4