Comparative study of coherent terahertz emission from Fe/Pt ferromagnetic heterostructures

Xiao-Peng He, Pan-Hui Huang, Xiao-Yu Yang, Zuan-Ming Jin, Shi-Tao Lou, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Qing-Yuan Jin
2019 Chinese Optics Letters (COL)  
The ultrafast spin dynamic of in-plane magnetized Fe/Pt films was investigated by terahertz emission spectroscopy. The amplitude of the emitted terahertz wave is proportional to the intensity of the exciting laser beams. Both the amplitude and polarity of the terahertz wave can be adjusted by modifying the external magnetic field. The dependency of the amplitude on external magnetic fields is coincident to the hysteresis loops of the sample. Also, the polarity of the terahertz wave is reversed,
more » ... as the magnetization orientation is reversed. The superdiffusive transient spin current with an inverse spin Hall effect is attributed to the main mechanism of the terahertz emission.
doi:10.3788/col201917.081601 fatcat:hdo5o22gqvbq7n2vpx6pwhrm3a