Generation of daily and monthly flows using the GR4j Method and the ERA5 gridded climate information in the Pachachaca basin up to the Santa Rosa station

Cesar David Alfaro-Gurrionero, Shantall Valeria Sovero-Gómez, Abel Carmona-Arteaga, Neicer Campos-Vasquez
2022 Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology: "Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"   unpublished
The objective sought with this research is to be able to build a series of daily flows in the Pachachaca basin to the Santa Rosa hydrometric station for a period of 30 years (1990-2020). These have been generated using rainfall and average temperature data from the ERA5 climate grid product and the flow measurement records of the Santa Rosa station for the days between the years 2019 to 2020, using the GR4j method. The simulated downloads were evaluated using statistical techniques of
more » ... and error. Satisfactory results were obtained, which are shown in the calibration and validation stage of the GR4j hydrological model, obtaining in the validation a linear equation equal to y=0.9367x + 7.421; where the variable "x" represents the average monthly flows generated with the model and the values of "y" the original average flows registered, with a coefficient R2=0.8814; which is not giving an efficiency value that is between 80% and 100%. Statistical evaluation also showed that the GR4j model performs very well despite using only four parameters. This finding indicates that the evaluated models can be integrated as an alternative for strengthening the daily hydrological forecast in the Antabamba river basin up to the Santa Rosa station.
doi:10.18687/laccei2022.1.1.306 fatcat:sg46fcsyjfcfhe6munlzaxht3q