A new evolutionary approach for computing Nash equilibria in bimatrix games with known support

Urszula Boryczka, Przemyslaw Juszczuk
2012 Open Computer Science  
AbstractIn this paper, we present the application of the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm to the problem of finding approximate Nash equilibria in matrix, non-zero sum games for two players with finite number of strategies. Nash equilibrium is one of the main concepts in game theory. It may be classified as continuous problem, where two probability distributions over the set of strategies of both players should be found. Every deviation from the global optimum is interpreted as Nash
more » ... mation and called ε-Nash equilibrium. The main advantage of the proposed algorithm is self-adaptive mutation operator, which direct the search process. The approach used in this article is based on the probability of chosing single pure strategy. In optimal mixed strategy, every strategy has some probability of being chosen. Our goal is to determine this probability and maximize payoff for a single player.
doi:10.2478/s13537-012-0008-6 fatcat:risatjeu2vgohcapojipqouypy