Equalization advantages of OFFH-CDMA over WDM in EDFAs

K. Fouli, H. Fathallah, M. Menif, Leslie A. Rusch, Roger A. Lessard, George A. Lampropoulos
2000 Applications of Photonic Technology 4  
The gain of an EDFA (erbium doped fiber amplifier) is in general wavelength-dependent, leading to different amplification levels among WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) channels. The use of Optical FFH-CDMA (fast frequency hopped code division multiple access) offers a natural diversity of wavelength, and therefore gain, thus eliminating the requirement of an equalization stage to achieve flat gain on all channels. Computer simulations are developed to analyze and compare equalization
more » ... rmance of these two transmission approaches (CDM and WDM) in EDFAs, especially in situations where the EDFA operating point is subject to change (i.e., variable input traffic). We find that Optical FFH-CDMA presents several advantages including dynamic gain equalization.
doi:10.1117/12.406457 fatcat:d6d5oliw6vfczd42mr3an7b2be