C.T. Mackin
1850 The Lancet  
Numerous and extensive as are the official duties of the B director-general, his active mind has not been confined to I them alone. One of his scientific discoveries (for which he has a patent) is of so much importance, that it will no doubt effect a vast and beneficial influence, not only as regards the preservation of her Majesty's ships, and their material of rope and canvas;-the timber used in railways, buildings, fences, &c., but also in purifying and destroying the influence of foul
more » ... here, which, by the use of the article, is instantly rendered inodorous. We allude to his solution of the chloride of zinc, now in use in the preparation of timber &e. in her Majesty's dockyards, the qualities of which solution are proved by the numerous and flattering testimonials, forming a complete volume in its praise, from officers of different ranks in the naval service, as well as from private individuals, I
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)88927-9 fatcat:whevc457lbbbhojkb4yz7ynyaq