2017 International tourism and hospitality managment conference. Book of proceedings (Online)  
With its underground resources, rich flora and natural beauties Ankara has one of Turkey's most outstanding rural areas. Yet, these beauties are recognized neither by natives nor by foreigners. The main aim of this research is to determine the factors which affect the choice of the population who lives in Ankara city center to visit rural areas as well as general preferences of visitors. Ankara city center population is assumed approximately 5 million and with 99% confidence interval and 5%
more » ... r margin the sample size is found as 661. Before the application of surveys in the field, surveys are shared with 10 people and proper adjustments made according to the feedbacks received. Face-to-face interviews with 661 people are applied. During the data evaluation process, surveys which contain missing and inconsistent data are excluded from the sample size. Missing and inconsistent surveys which was 7% of total are removed and ultimately with 616 surveys analyses continued. Probit model is preferred due to the small sample size. The model in which independent variables affecting decisions of people who visit rural Ankara biweekly are investigated, whereas people who prefer guide and have a connection with current rural settlement have a positive effect and birthplace has a negative effect. In consequence of the survey research it came out that citizen's awareness level about rural and tourism destinations in Ankara is low. To increase awareness it is needed that institutions and organizations conduct collaborative work for rural area. As continuation of the research, people living in the country side and their expectation from tourism are going to determine more reliable deductions
doi:10.35666/25662880.2017.3.136 fatcat:gnfgrh5pt5b4ricawvihromtla