New chaotic map development and its application in encrypted color image

Abdellatif JarJar
2021 Journal of multimedia information system  
This paper traces the process of constructing a new one-dimensional chaotic map, and will provide a simple application in color image encryption. The use of Sarkovskii's theorem will make it possible to determine the existence of chaos and restrict all conditions to ensure the existence of this new sequence. In addition, the sensitivity to initial conditions will be proved by Lyapunov's index value. Similarly, the performance of this new chaotic map will be illustrated graphically and compared
more » ... ith other chaotic maps most commonly used in cryptography. Finally, a humble color image encryption application will show the power of this new chaotic map.
doi:10.33851/jmis.2021.8.2.131 fatcat:wraysolbo5ettfgyv5nw2vxxu4