A cooperative approach to user mobility

Robin Kravets, Casey Carter, Luiz Magalhães
2001 Computer communication review  
We present a networking model that treats a user's set of personal devices as a MOPED, an autonomous set of MObile grouPEd Devices, which appears as a single entity to the rest of the Internet. As the user moves through different environments, the devices cooperate as a coordinated local area network that provides the user the desired mobile services. All communication for a user is directed to a single point of presence on the Internet, essentially an IP address for the MOPED. These personal
more » ... vices can cooperate to achieve better resource utilization, such as by sharing available communication bandwidth. We present the basic networking functionality necessary to enable the operation of MOPEDs, and their integration into the Internet. We introduce a middleware layer to extend IP routing to work with MOPEDs, and a lightweight IP encapsulation protocol, Multipath Routing enCAPsulation (MRCAP), used to implement that middleware.
doi:10.1145/1037107.1037115 fatcat:s55fhlomqbanjb2ialo5vg6hgq