Technologies as a presence: openings for teaching and learning

Josiel De Oliveira Batista, Luciane Ferreira Mocrosky, Fabiane Mondini, Marco Aurélio Kalinke
2021 Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia  
In this text, we discuss human knowledge produced in a scenario where digital technologies are present. To thematize, we start from a discussion about technology in different contexts, showing that the way it has been produced, at each time, interferes and modifies the ways in which human beings are in the world. The study, based on the literature, more specifically that of a phenomenological philosophical nature, intends to contribute to discussions that show necessary changes in the
more » ... l sphere, promoted by the ways in which human beings think, act, and communicate today. Thus, it is addressed to pedagogical action as openings, that is, possibilities for teaching and learning today, culminating with the idea of the genuineness of each human being in being together with other humans and products of humanity.
doi:10.3895/rbect.v14n2.9913 doaj:267c3a9a236d478893e329f8a61d1c31 fatcat:mfluvj2g6jcmllj64jobhk7kdy