A new species of Diascia (Scrophulariaceae) from the southern Drakensberg

Kim E. Steiner
1989 South African Journal of Botany  
Diascia austromontana K.E. Steiner, section Racemosae, a perennial herb related to D. barberae Hook. f., is described from the southern Drakensberg of Natal and Lesotho. It differs from D. barberae in having spurs one third the length of the corolla limb rather than one half or more, a style that is deflexed rather than reflexed, and a stigma that is ouside the cohering anthers rather than surrounded by them. Diascia austromontana K.E. Steiner, seksie Racemosae, 'n meerjarige kruid verwant aan
more » ... . barbarae Hook. f., van die suidelike Drakensberg van Natal en Lesotho word beskryf. Die takson verskil van D. barberae deurdat die spore 'n derde van die lengte van die kroonlob is eerder as die helfde of meer. Die sty I buig af eerder as op en Ie buite die saamgegroepeerde meeldrade eerder as om daardeur omring te word.
doi:10.1016/s0254-6299(16)31214-5 fatcat:wyemn5x5sbaqhclmyfqjjavsky