Impedance Compensation Method Considering Unbalanced Ground Fault with SFCL in a Power Distribution System

Yoo-Jung Cho, Sung-Hun Lim
2022 Energies  
As the energy demand increases due to the developing electric power industry, the fault current becomes higher during the fault time. A new approach is needed to reduce a fault current in a power distribution system, since the fault currents influence other protective devices' operation. To decrease the fault current, the superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) has been suggested. The SFCL has no power loss with no effect on a power distribution system because the SFCL impedance only
more » ... during the fault time. However, the SFCL can reduce the fault current; it causes the trip time delay of the over current relay (OCR). Compensation methods for the balanced fault have been invented in previous studies, while research on unbalanced ground fault compensation are few. In this paper, the compensation method configured with impedance components of a power distribution system is introduced to eliminate the influence of the SFCL on the OCR. In addition, the components of the SFCL impedance are removed from the characteristic equation of the OCR. To verify the effect of the impedance compensation method, fault simulations are carried out in 3 types of ground faults using PSCAD/EMTDC.
doi:10.3390/en15197405 fatcat:qi6pzgfczjbjlkzs6izoxrspga