Synthesis of H2SO4 doped polyaniline film by potentiometric method

P. D. Gaikwad, D. J. Shirale, V. K. Gade, P. A. Savale, H. J. Kharat, K. P. Kakde, S. S. Hussaini, N. R. Dhumane, M. D. Shirsat
2006 Bulletin of Materials Science  
H 2 SO 4 doped polyaniline films were synthesized in aqueous acidic media. The polyaniline film deposited on platinum electrode exhibits highest conductivity. The conductivity of each H 2 SO 4 doped polyaniline sample was determined by the four-probe technique. The current-voltage curve exhibits that polyaniline sample has an ohmic behaviour. Experiments were conducted to establish the conductivity of the sample from room temperature to 110°°C. The current was set constant. It has been observed
more » ... that at lower current as well as higher current conductivity of the polyaniline sample is due to the electrons transferred to the conduction band. It is observed that the concentration ratio of 0⋅ ⋅2 : 1 of aniline and H 2 SO 4 for synthesis of PANI film on platinum electrode shows good conductivity.
doi:10.1007/bf02704611 fatcat:2twuhv7ykzcntdpucqejn5wpki