Mapping the Use of Planning Support in a Strategy-Making Session
Carissa Champlin, Timo Hartmann, Geert P.M.R. Dewulf
Planext: Next Generation Planning
This paper introduces an alternative means of evaluating the performance of planning support systems. These systems that were originally developed to support the professional tasks of planners have been assessed primarily based on their task-technology-user fit. During the tasks of early planning phases, planning actors attempt to adapt planning issues out of their 'wicked' state and into clear directions for action by means of communication. The search for better support of adaptations that
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... ult from these complex, multi-actor communications requires a more dynamic means of evaluating planning support. To gain a deeper understanding of planning support use during actor communications, we conducted a strategymaking session using preliminary modelling, sketching, facilitation and traditional support tools. We visualized the session as a network of communicative interactions and identified planning support involvement during key issue adaptations. Findings show that preliminary modelling and sketching were often used when identifying planning issues and adapting them into attributes for scenario development and that unsupported dialogue was used to communicate in depth about project objectives. We conclude that introducing planning support as needed in formats that are both visual and easy-to-understand may add value to strategy making in workshop settings. Open Access Journal 6 AESOP / YOUNG ACADEMICS NETWORK 11 AESOP / YOUNG ACADEMICS NETWORK According to this method, researchers intervene in the problem setting and engage in participatory observation. ▪ We derived the three planning tasks from studies of strategy making (te Brömmelstroet & Bertolini, 2008; Couclelis, 2005) , non-routine planning tasks (Batty, 1995) and policy making in multi-actor contexts (van de Riet, 2003) : problem formulation, objective setting and scenario development. ▪ The planning issues were the products of the three strategy-making tasks. Throughout the strategy-making tasks, issues originating from the planning problem adapted into project objectives, attributes of the planning issues, scenarios and indicators for assessing the scenarios. ▪ The planning support instruments included tools known to support multi-actor communication (see Early-stage Planning Support): preliminary modelling, sketching, flashcards and procedural, substantive and tool-related facilitation. ▪ We conceptualized the factual role of planning support as planning support involvement in the successful adaptation of a planning issue during one or more communication interactions. ▪ The context of planning support was the Turfkade strategy-making session