Telecommuting and Its Effects in Urban Planning

V. Siddhartha, Chaitra Sai Malika. S
2016 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
The change in technology is increasing day by day nowadays the technology has been widened a lot everywhere the technology and computers has used for all type of works in every part of the world is connected with the modern technology and mobiles and internet people are becoming more smart by earning money by sitting in home time is one of the precious to every human being use of time is one of the major problem spending time with family due to work tension and busy schedules the social life of
more » ... humans has been changed day-to-day people are hardly interacting with their family and there are lots of pressure to move from work place to the home area most of the time was spent on journey where this also leads a major problem for the people for all the problems the many MNC (Mufti National Company)has been introduced a new technology for the employees to save time and money and placing a new company in core city will cost a lot for land value where affordable for the starter company will be so difficult for the new companies and buying asses and maintain of building and sub charges to the company will need to take lot many problems so most of them are introducing telecommuting as a tool for employees. Telecommuting is one of the emerging topics and main motive is work from home the research paper shows the detail introduction history of the telecommuting, scenario of the telecommuting factors influencing in telecommuting and driving forces and advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting both companies and the workers and major scenario happening after implementing the policy.
doi:10.17577/ijertv5is100350 fatcat:sryphwnynrevxewbivfa533gru