Pose Accuracy Calibration of a Serial Five DOF Robot

Jian Yin, Yu Gao
2012 Energy Procedia  
Robot is widely used in industrial domain and pose accuracy of end-effector is an important indicator for judging robot performance. Calibration is a necessary for operating industrial robot and an effective and efficient means of accuracy improvement. This paper describes the development of a calibration procedure for a five degree of freedom serial robot using the laser tracker. The main goal of this paper is to utilize measurements relative to the end-effector of the robot to compensate
more » ... s. The robot kinematic model is computed to help identify the deviations. Robot parameter deviations can be identified so that the nominal parameters can be corrected. The experimental results are validated effectively.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.12.1042 fatcat:byieqm5qv5bmvox5l3tdyhsedy