Relationship between Religious Attitude, Optimism, Spiritual Intelligence and Mental Hygiene of Post-Graduate Students of Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch

Mahboubeh Ghaffari Monfared, Farah Naderi
2015 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences  
The research purpose was to assess the relationship between religious attitude, optimism, spiritual intelligence and mental hygiene of post-graduate students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch. The statistical population included 220 college students who were selected through random stratified sampling. The research used descriptivecorrelational design. The data gathering tools included General Health Questionnaire, Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire and Life
more » ... ation Test. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression. The results revealed a significant negative relationship between internal religious attitude, optimism spiritual intelligence, and mental health. Moreover, there existed positive relationship between external religious attitude and mental hygiene. Results of regression indicated that optimism and spiritual intelligence were good predictors of female students' mental hygiene; however, spiritual intelligence was the sole predictor of mental hygiene.
doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s1p208 fatcat:bix24sha65hl3b7znwx72y2jem